Rosa Rugosa


Rosa rugosa Passion – Ramanas Rose – Plant in 9cm Pot

Common names: Japanese Rose, Rugosa Rose (GB), Kartoffel-Rose (DE), Rynket Rose (DK),

Rosa rugosa occurs naturally in Eastern Asia from Ochotsk and southern Kamchatka to Korea and the northern parts of Japan and China.

Rosa rugosa is a small sprouting shrub that forms dense thickets. The surface of the leaves is wrinkled, dark green, smooth above while pubescent and slightly sticky underneath. The twigs are stout and covered with thin, straight sharp spines of various sizes. The flowers are big (8-10 cm across) and can be white or light to dark pink depending on the cultivar, also doubled flowers occur in the wild. The fruits are large and slightly flattened, shiny, deep red and fleshy “rose-hips” which ripen in late summer.

Rosa Rugosa is a perfect plant for a seaside garden. The hardy rugosa roses will grow nearly anywhere and will produce an abundance of scented flowers followed by attractive looking orange rose hips! These wild roses grow even in sandy soils and will thrive in the most exposed sites. They also deal very well with salt spray.

Rugosas like pretty much what all roses like: well-drained soil, a good nutrient and pH balance, and plenty of sun. But they’ll survive and even do quite well with less, which is why the rugosa is as good a rose for the chemical-free, organics-only garden as you’re going to find.

ich, green foliage: Rugosa is from the Latin word “rugose,” meaning wrinkled. Rugosa leaves are textured with a fine quilting that gives the foliage depth and richness.

The leaves of the wild rugosa rose are pinnate, meaning that each leaf has several leaflets growing opposite one another and has one terminal leaflet.  The length of the leaves can be from a little over 3 inches long to up to 6 inches long (8–15 cm) with 5–9 ovate leaflets, most often 7.  Each leaflet is about 1-1/2 inches (3–4 cm) long.

Disease resistance: Rosa rugosa (species) simply doesn’t get the diseases that so bedevil other roses. Its blackspot resistance is legendary. That’s the chief reason rugosas are consistently at the top of the rating scale for shrubs.

Amazing perfume: The fragrance of the best rugosas isn’t subtle or nuanced: it’s powerful.

This frost hardy large shrub rose grows to approx 2 metres (6ft) in height; with a spread of approx 2 metres (6ft), but has been known to spread to 7 metres in the wild through the production of underground stems.
A native of Asia this deciduous variety is a great rear of bed/border planting choice.
In autumn you will observe this plants shiny orange-red rose fruits or hips which stand out above autumnal orange tinted and falling leaves.

Rosa rugosa may be considered a useful plant with large and attractive flowers. New plants are easily propagated from rhizomes and the species has been planted widely as a hedge or as windbreaker.

Furthermore, the species is used in the breeding of other cultivars of roses. It is also a common plant for landscaping e.g. along highways and in cities (e.g. in Germany, the Netherlands and Norway). Other positive effects include its use for erosion control.

Rosa rugosa also has culinary uses in preserves, jelly and in wine production. Furthermore, the floral scent is used in perfumes and in personal care articles. Extracts of the flowers or hips have also been used in herbal medicines and vitamin products.

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